1) Who: Who leads this trip: GO! (David and Melanie Sgro). We've led hundreds of people on mission trips to Guatemala and the Philippines, without even one serious incident. There is a QR code link below to see hours and hours of YouTube videos of many of our previous Short-Term Mission Trips. And GO! has references from Pastors and previous team members
2) Where: Santo Domingo Xenacoj, Sac. Guatemala
3) Mission Trips: Construction, Evangelism, VBS (Vacation Bible School), Sharing Christ in public schools Trip 1: Tue June 17 - Tue June 24, 2025: 8 day/ 7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $750* Trip 2: Tue June 24 - Tue July 2, 2025: 8 day/ 7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $750* Trip 3: Tue July 2 - Tue July 9, 2025: 8 day/ 7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $750* Trip 4: Mon Aug 4 - Mon Aug 11, 2025: 8 day/ 7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $750* Trip 5: Tue Aug 12 - Tue Aug 19, 2025: 8 day/ 7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $750*
Martial Arts Trip 6: Oct 13-20, 2025: 8 day/7 night Short Term Mission Trip. GO! Fee $800* (Competition Fee included)
4) Cost (3 items): A) GO! Fee: This covers all in-country expenses: Food (except lunch on the sight-seeing day), lodging, activities, transportation, and translators. B) Airfare (varies between $600 - $700) from Raleigh to Guatemala City C) International Medical Coverage (Some US Medical Policies have International Coverage. Others may not. Coverage can be purchased from Brotherhood Mutual Faith Ventures from $30+
5) All payments can be made through our Home Page. If you have questions and/or concerns please use the "Questions?" link below and I'll gladly answer all your questions and/or concerns
Please download, print and submit the Trip Application and read the Team Booklet: